Movie Magic: IT
Dani Geddes Photography Print Series
JUST for the celebration of Halloween, everyone knows I am VERY scared of Clowns but I got roped into seeing the remake in the cinema in the Autumn of 2017 and was asked to try out the concept. Of course, in my own way, I deconstructed the movie and the story and chose myself to represent the weird and wonderful ways of the narrative simply with a little girl, I included all the elements that makes the infamous story like the red balloon, the clown makeup, the yellow jacket and a boat but I chose to do all of this with the face of a child holding these things giving you the chance to understand the representation of Pennywise as childrens fears are all components of everyones individual mindset. I also had fun filming a few clips to put together for a small teaser promo for Hallowen 2017.​
Photographed on Location: Hilsea, Portsmouth
Featuring: Lamissah
Costume Design Credit: Lavender Rose